Ingrown toenails are one of the most common complaints our podiatrists see in the clinic. An ingrown toenail is the term given to a nail plate that causes pressure on the surrounding tissues of the nail. The offending nail edge needs to be dealt with correctly to avoid ongoing pain.
There are multiple methods for treating ingrowing nails and our podiatrists will provide treatment according to your individual needs. First they will assess the nail edge and explore the best way to treat the edge. This could include surgical and non-surgical options.
When cutting your toenails you should cut across rather than down the sides. Follow the nails natural curve and avoid cutting too far down the edge.
Ingrown toenails are treated on an individual basis. This could include non-surgical treatment, however in more severe cases surgery may be required. At Mudgeeraba Podiatry our podiatrists will also recommend maintenance techniques to avoid further ingrown toenails.